Quick start

Nobody likes to read a manual and that is why we aim to make ATM as intuitive as possible.

Setting up a new family tree is described on page New family tree.

If you start by loading a GEDCOM file, please read page GEDCOM import first.

Data entry is largely self explanatory. However to fully use the possibilities of ATM you should take a look at:

When attaching material or creating reports you need to know something about Folders and files.

Important details are explained in:


In many places pressing F1 will display the relevant page in the manual. Think of input fields, dialog boxes and tables.

Various input fields and tables have a context menu under the right mouse button. Such a menu contains useful functions that are specific to that context.

The easiest way to close a window or dialog box: Escape.
This does not work on the main window.

When anything unexpected happens you can consult the Log Viewer.