
When the surname is preceded by a prefix (as is the case in many Dutch surnames), the prefix should be entered in a separate field, see the example above. Behind the prefix field there is a field for the patronymic.

Apart from given names you can also specify a nickname.

The following characters are considered correct:

  • A-Z
  • a-z
  • space
  • dot (as in John F. Kennedy)
  • hyphen (as in Erik-Jan)
  • apostrophe (as in Storm van 's Gravesande or O'Brien)

Using other characters in the name is possible although it has consequences.

When connecting pictures it is recommended to follow file conventions. The default file name is based upon the name of the person, provided the name contains only the characters listed above. If the name contains other characters, retrieving the default file name is blocked.

Context menu

Clicking the right mouse button while the cursor is in an input field shows a context menu. See Data entry explanation of the various functions.