Log Viewer

ATM generates notifications, partly for information but especially when something goes wrong. These notifications can be viewed with the Log Viewer.

Via Tools Log Viewer you can view the notifications of the current ATM session.

There is also he possibility to view notifications from previous sessions. The Log Viewer can be started standalone for this purpose, after which a log file of your choice can be loaded.
The Log Viewer can be found in the folder: [program folder]/bin


The Log Viewer shows a table with notifications. By clicking on a message, the details of the message appear on a separate panel at the bottom of the window.

Notifications of log level 'Error' come in two types:

  • An indication that something in the data is not OK, such as a loop error
  • An indication that ATM itself does not function properly

In the latter case the message is often missing, but the field 'Thrown' is filled, which can be seen at Details.

If such a serious error occurs, please send us the log file.

Send log file

With the function Help Send log file the log file can be sent to the ATM server.

As with a contact form, information must be provided about the sender, namely name and e-mail address. In addition, an explanation of the problem encountered is required.

N.B. The ATM server is checked regularly (but not daily) to see if there is a new log file. To ensure that action is taken quickly, you can also send an e-mail via Contact.